Jenia by Laureanda
Role: Strategist, Art Director, Photographer
January 2022

Laureanda is a stationery brand designed to support university students throughout their academic journey, providing tools that enhance organization and well-being. In a digital era, it promotes the value of writing on paper, encouraging a more mindful approach to studying and time management. 
The name and logo strengthen the sense of belonging to the student community, creating an immediate connection with the target audience.

The first product by Laureanda is Jenia, a 14-month weekly planner designed to help university students organize their academic and personal lives effectively. Unisex, simple, and functional, it provides a clear method for managing commitments, goals, and deadlines in one place.

Jenia combines the efficiency of a traditional planner with the flexibility of the Bullet Journal, guiding students in using symbols and organizational techniques in an intuitive and accessible way. This approach helps plan more consciously, optimize time, and enhance productivity.

© Paola SarasiPortfolio2025